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P1 Dual Monaural Phono Stage


With two dedicated MC current inputs and one MM/MC voltage input, the P1 provides the optimal coupling to all types of cartridges.

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It is well known that the electrical characteristics of turntable cartridges differ greatly from one cartridge to another. Ohm’s law shows that Moving Magnet cartridges will generate larger voltages while Moving Coil cartridges are generally more efficient at delivering current. Phono stages should take full advantage of the cartridges’ strengths and amplify the signal in the way they work best.

With two dedicated MC current inputs and one MM/MC voltage input, the P1 provides the optimal coupling to all types of cartridges.

In addition, discrete class A stages as well as the highest grade, tight tolerance components allow the P1 to deliver high performances for a transparent yet natural sound.



Two P1 configurations are available:

  • Dual Monaural (two channels in a single enclosure)
  • True Monaural (each channel in its own enclosure)
Moving coil current inputs

The P1 provides two moving coil current inputs, featuring the following specifications:

  • inputs specifically designed for low output, low internal resistance MC cartridges
  • current mode for best signal to noise ratio when paired with low output MC cartridges
  • no impedance adjustment required in current mode
  • XLR and RCA connector available on each input
Moving magnet / moving coil voltage input

The P1 provides a more classical voltage input, featuring the following specifications:

  • input designed for MM, MC cartridges and step-up transformers
  • ultra low noise FET-input stage
  • cartridge loading adjustment, variable from 100k Ohms to 20 Ohms in over 500 steps
  • wizard to select the cartridge’s optimal loading through frequency response automated analysis
  • XLR and RCA connections
EQ curves
  • RIAA and enhanced RIAA (with additionnal Neumann pole) EQ curves factory fitted
  • high grade, tight tolerance custom components
  • optional add-on board containing EMI, Columbia, Decca and Teldec EQ curves
Analog signal path
  • selectable high-pass subsonic filter to remove unwanted rumble
  • ultra low noise, high bandwidth, high slew rate design
  • class A, discrete transistor based design
Power supply
  • ultra low noise, high accuracy, discretely regulated linear power supplies
  • oversized mains toroidal transformers
  • shunt regulators for all stages
  • can be powered from the X1 External Power Supply unit